

ACID principal

  • Atomicity
  • Consistency
  • Isolation
  • Durability


A minimum unit of job which can’t be split.
If any failure, all queries in a transaction should be rollback .


Dirty read

Two transactions tx1, tx2 are executing in parallel
Tx1 read something
Tx2 write something
When Tx1 read something after tx2 write something but tx2 rollback afterwards.
Tx1 might read consistent data that is dirty value

This is dirty read.

Non-repeatable read

After tx2 write something, tx1 read after tx2 commit(). So tx1 read updated and inconsistent value
Tx1 should only read the status of data at the specific point for ensuring consistent.

Phantom read

After tx2 write something, tx1 read after tx2 commit(). so tx1 read new value.
Tx1 should only read the status of data at the specific point for ensuring consistent.

Lost update

Tx1 update some record and at the same time, Tx1 update same record.
One of them, one transaction’s update should be abandoned.

Isolation Level

Read uncommitted

No isolation, any change from the outside is visible to the transaction, regardless of commit()
Dirty read is allowed, although it’s fast.

Read committed

Each query can only see after outside transaction is committed.
Dirty read is denied.

Repeatable Read

The read data remain unchanged while reading transaction is running.
This denys non-repeatable read.


Transaction can only see changes that have been committed from the start of the transaction.
This resolves every read isolation phenomenon.


All transactions must be executed isolated.

Isolation LevelDirty readNon-repeatable readPhantomLost Update
Read Uncommittedmay occurmay occurmay occurmay occur
Read Committeddon’t occurmay occurmay occurmay occur
Repeatable Readdon’t occurdon’t occurmay occurdon’t occur
Serializabledon’t occurdon’t occurdon’t occurdon’t occur

⚠️In Repeatable Read, when a row inserted in the middle of transaction but new record is not locked and visible to transaction. So phantom may occur.

DBMS implements isolation level differently.


Defined by DBA, Referential integrity (Foreign key)

Eventual consistency

Allow some inconsistency like below.
Master node (Write Only) and slave node (Read Only) has some data inconsistency during synchronization.


This make DBMS non-volatile, persisted system even if there’s a rash.
Data is persistent and has failover mechanism.

Write Ahead Log (WAL)

Write data in write-ahead-log segments (compressed version).
DB keeps change logs in undo logs in replica status. It makes slower

OS Cache

A write request in OS usually goes to the OS cache since it wants flush many data reducing the number of dispatch to disk.
This decides where a transaction writes the data in OS cache or disk.

Asynchronous snapshot

Append Only File (AOF)

Redis durability

Redis support Asynchronous snapshot and AOF both.
Snapshots in redis are generated in background process which is forked. This is quite expensive. AOF is slower than snapshots since the size of the AOF file is continuously going to grow over time

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Strong vs Eventual Consistency

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