Home How to decide composite index

How to decide composite index

What kind of columns are to be included in composite index?

Let me introduce my principal about how to choose column of composite index.

1. WHERE clause

2. Always used by ‘=’

If leading colum condition is not ‘equal(=)’ next columns would not use index scan.

SELECT col1, col2, col3, col4
FROM table_name
WHERE col1 = ? AND col2 = ?
    -- col1 ~ col3 are to use index scan but col4 be not. (just filtering)
    -- since not equal ('=') operation is executed before.
    BETWEEN col3 ? AND ?
    AND col4 = ?

3. Lower selectivity column is leading

Because real world’s queries are executed like below. \

Main category -> middle category -> subcategory

4. Location column (condition, ex. ID) is followed by order column (ex. DATE)

5. Use IN instead of between

You can take benefit of index when to use IN instead of BETWEEN
IN means internally operates combination (‘=’ + OR)

SELECT id, name
FROM member WITH(users_id_index) -- index 사용 강제 가능.
WHERE IN id IN (1, 3, 10, 15) -- id == 1 || id == 3 || id == 10 || id == 15

6. Use minimum the number of columns in index

7. Sync Composite key ordering with ORDER BY sequence.

Sync all same sequence or on other way sequence.
If not, more data access and sorting occurs.

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