Home Concurrency in redis

Concurrency in redis

In many cases, concurrency could be ignored. It depends on your business requirement.


Race condition depends on sequence of commands.
Result differ according to it.

Why this happened? There’s gap between read and update.

General Concurrency Issue


(1) Use atomic command

It removes gap between read and command
Atomic operation

(2) Use transaction

Redis transaction using MULTI and WATCH keyword for guaranteeing commands are executed sequentially.
However, it doesn’t support rollback.

Transaction example

MULTI command enqueue all commands until EXEC command to be executed.
So, commands are to be executed sequentially one by one.

-- "OK"

>> SET color red
>> SET color blue

-- ["OK", "OK"]

WATCH command provides optimistic lock.
It allow only single command operation.
And make other transactions fail.

-- optimistic lock
>> WATCH color

>> SET color red

>> SET color blue
>> SET color green

-- nil (failed to execute transaction)

>> SET color yellow
-- success color set as `yellow` since `EXEC` call `UNWATCHED` implicitly

Concurrency issue is not always problem

  • To Do app status update
  • Calender app
  • Only one user can access (not shared resource)

Like those app, concurrency issue is not critical.

Cons of WATCH solution

Suppose bid system. bid condition is “bid amount must be greater than item price”.

There’s error case when applying WATCH solution.
Let me show you example, WATCH-error-case

when original Item price is 5$, If first request amount 10$ and second request amount 15$
Both request occur almost simultaneously, first request succeed but second request is going to fail.
This is error case since second request amount 15$ is greater than 10$ of first request.

For Guaranteeing second request success, we should implement retry logic.
From this , A lot of load occurs on redis server since there’s many fail cases for short time.

Summary cons of WATCH solution

We call it WATCH solution as optimistic lock.

  1. Error case
  2. Not scalable
    Especially mass requests occurs, results in a lot of fail transactions and load on redis server.
  3. Redis cluster doesn’t support WATCH

For resolving this problem, we can use distributed lock.

You can see lock in redis this post

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List of redis

Lock in redis

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