Home Don't use DB as Container

Don't use DB as Container

DB as container is not good approach

(1) Stateless

Containers are designed for stateless processes. DB is a stateful system.
You have to manage volume.
This is so tricky since concurrency and performance issues.

Volume concurrency

(2) Performance

Containers are not designed for high-performance workloads such as databases.
Containers can be slower than running databases on bare metal or virtual machines because of the additional overhead of running the container environment.

(3) Persistence

Database data must be backed up regularly.
Native DB Engine supports this feature, if you use container and volume, you should ensure support that.

Separate strategy between development and production

(1) Database name

Separate only database name between development and production. In intial phase, you could use this approach saving cost.


Easy to set Saving cost


State is coupled.
If cluster is down. Both environment down simultaneously

(2) Database engine

Separate database engine completely.


State is also decoupled.


It’s more difficult to manage than first approach expensive than former

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