Home Required terms of database

Required terms of database


The logical unit, that of database stores and reads the data.
Different according to DBMS (ex. PostgreSQL has a 8KB page, MySQL does 16KB)
DB handle data one or more pages in a single IO.

IO (physical IO)

Operation unit a request to disk.
Considered performance, developers should minimize this since this is expensive (on disk).
Some OS(ex. PostgreSQL) use OS cache instead of disk.

Logical I/O

Operation request to shared_buffers, os cache etc..


Physical method of storing data.

  • This is for searching data fast
  • Consists of B-Tree data structure.
  • Stored as pages.

B-Tree search operation Time Complexity is Log(N)


Everything is stored in here (disk).
More IO in this section, more cost and slower the queries.

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