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Type declaration module


namespace is almost deprecated. it appeared before ESModule system is accepted.
Instead, Use module system with export/import (ESModule) or exports, require (CommonJS)

Why to use module?

Separate and organize the javascript & typescript code
In origin, javascript is used for only browser.
At first, you need to understand Global scope what it is.

Global scope

You must have ever seen <script> in html , in javascript, you can declare function and use it without separating module, namespace.

name.js only has name variable.

// This is global scope
const name = 'vladimir'

In html file, name is shared all over since it's global scope


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
variable `name` has global scope
<script src="name.js"></script>
<script src="printName.js"></script>
<script src="printName2.js"></script>

File list

File list


console output: Print result

If you redeclare name in another js it must be fail. Suppose redeclare it in printName


// redeclaration
const name = 'vladimir'
console.log('Test1 js file name : ', name)

This code error occurs

Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'name' has already been declared (at printName.js:1:1)

Fail result

How to resolve it?

Use module export/import . It is declaration that "This file is module". not of global scope one.

Module system between Node.js and browser

Module system

Node.js uses CommonJS from starting with require/exports.
However, the browser doesn't support CommonJS module. At first, use <script> (standard script) without module system.
and now Support modern module system with import/export
Let's see how to use it.


<script type="module" src="./dist/index.js"></script>

But maybe meet errors since there's CORS policy of browser.

Get file:///Users~~~/dist/index.js net::ERR_FAILED

You need to pay attention to local testing
if you try to load the HTML file locally (i.e. with a file:// URL),
you'll run into CORS errors due to JavaScript module security requirements.
- MDN docs


"module": "ES6"

This means that We're serving anything and trying to use file protocol.

# From this, html file served from the server (HTTP) instead of `file`
$ yarn install lite-server
$ yarn start

Use modern ES Module using tsconfig and script with module property and server. Or use bundle library like browserify

import 'type' only

  • Just import type this is helpful when I want to refer to just type not the module with actual code.
  • Reduce the size of compiled file since it must be removed completely when transpiling.


export type Item = 'HP' | 'MP'

export class ItemKing {
name: string
