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Type Predicates

Why to use

Complex data type checking (e.g. interface, object array, class, prototype, property based check)
instanceof keyword is only useful when checking type of class or prototype.
Whereas type predicates make you provide the type to typescript compiler.

When to use

interface, property or character based type checking on complex type.

How to use (example)

Type predicates signature: arg name is Type

interface Square {
kind: 'square';
length: number;

interface Rectangle {
kind: 'rectangle';
width: number;
height: number;

class Triangle {
kind: string = 'triangle';
constructor(public baseLength: number, public height: number) {

type Shape = Square | Rectangle | Triangle;

function isSquare(shape: Shape): shape is Square {
return shape.kind === 'square';

function isRectangle(shape: Shape): shape is Rectangle {
return shape.kind === 'rectangle';


function getSize(shape: Shape) {
// Can't use `instanceof` for instance.
// 🚫 Error occurs because `instanceof` just valid in class, prototype
if (shape instanceof Square) {


function getSize(shape: Shape) {
// Can't use `instanceof` for instance.
// just valid in class, prototype
// if (shape instanceof Square)

if (isSquare(shape)) {
return shape.length * shape.length;
} else if (isRectangle(shape)) {
return shape.width * shape.height;
} else {
return shape.baseLength * shape.height * 0.5;

const squaure1: Square = {
kind: 'square',
length: 5


You may have questions like this.

However, Does type predicates make developers write more code according to increasing the number of interface, class etc.. ?

Sure, In this example, More shape type is added, you should add type checking function with type predicates.
But we have to think about why we use Typescript instead of Javascript. We want help of type checker powered by typescript, so reduce risk of runtime error!


The benefits of increased type safety and reduced risk of runtime errors can outweigh this cost, although using type predicates may require some additional effort in defining and maintaining the codes.