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Union type & Literal type

Union type


let age : number | string;

type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;

type Log = {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;
// Union two types
type Coordinate = Point | Log;

Array with union type

// OK
const ages: (number | string)[] = [15, 23, "15", "23"];

Type narrowing

We can type narrowing with typeof keyword.


// Type Narrowing

function isTeenager (age: number | string) : boolean {
if (typeof age === "string") {
return age.charAt(0) === '1';
if (typeof age === "number") {
return age >= 10 && age < 20;

throw new TypeError("Invalid age type");

typeof only supports at primitive type
"string" | "number" | "bigint" | "boolean" | "symbol" | "undefined" | "object" | "function"


type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;
type Log = {
latitude: number;
longitude: number;

function printCoordinate(coordinate: Point | Log) {
// 🚫 error occurs
if (typeof coordinate === "Point") {
// ..


Types in typescript are open in the sense that an object has to have at least the properties.

type DataA = {
value: number,
data: string

type DataB = {
value: number,
note: string

type Data = DataA | DataB;

const dataA : Data = {
value: 3,
data: 'str',
// ✅ Ok although it consists of combination DataA and DataB.
note: 'adk',
// 🚫 Not allowed extra property
// z: 'adsa'

Don't use union type only if you want to restrict exclusive type.
It's open.


Use mapped and conditional types to express an exclusive union of object types.

Refer to stackoverflow Q & A.

Literal Type

// 0 is literal type not value of `zero`
let zero : 0 = 0;
// 🚫 error occurs
zero = 2; // can't allocation value 2 to type 0

// "hi" is type of `hi`
// 🚫 error occurs
let hi: "hi" = "khazix"; // type of hi is "hi" so can't allocate value "khazix"

When to use?

If you combination with union type and literal type.
You can restrict several literal type on parameter or return type as shown below.

// Union type + Literal type
type Answer = "yes" | "no" | "maybe";

function getAnswerMsg(answer: Answer) {
return `answer is ${answer}`;

// only `Answer` type is allowed here.
const msg = getAnswerMsg("no");